AR Glass Project – Juggle

Project Work in Progress

AR Glass for Teachers Project - Juggle Animation

AR Glass Project – Juggle incorporates the emerging AR (Augmented Reality) technology to help teachers to focus on teaching and help students more efficiently to achieve success.

I. Summary

Teachers are often faced many challenges in the classroom, but often hear that one of their biggest challenge is having too many paper works to be done. We are slowly adapting and moving toward paperless system utilizing current technologies such as smartphones, tablets and laptops. However, those solutions are having a positive impact but we know that we can do so much better. Juggle is our attempt to over come some of the limitation new technology. In short, we want to honor our heroes: our teachers!

Duration: 2 months

Participants: 3 people

Tool: InVision Sketch, InVision Studio, Adobe CC

1. Goal

To develop an mock-up app and possibly a platform which can help teachers with their daily tasks, and let them focus on teaching and give their students the full attention that they deserve. In addition, we recognize that the teachers’ goal is to help every student succeed in their classes. And our goal is to help teachers to achieve that goal.

2. Problem

Teachers have a difficult time focusing and giving full attention to individual students with current technology. Smartphones and tablets which are in use today’s classrooms can get in the way of teaching and become a hindrance instead.

3. Solution

Provide them with a tool to achieve seamless and maximized workflow and help teachers to better connect with their students by having the semantic information displayed with minimal effort in non-disruptive way and somewhat discreet way.

II. Research

 1. Competitive Analysis

Remind App


Easy to use Direct message, announcements. 

Language translation function for messaging


Not able to communicate with parents directly

Need multiple accounts if parents have multiple children at school. 

Class Dojo App


Parents get direct access to the child’s report.

Allows tracking student participation.


Not so easy navigation

Privacy issues

2. Surveys

(21 – ongoing) Quantitative

Redirected our research method to focus group interviews (Our feedback from the initial survey showed that they didn’t really have time to sit and do surveys… they get a lot of them.)

3. Focus Group interviews

(3 participants) Qualitative 

to be added later

III. Design on Next Page